Good Evening Chilliwack Labradoodle Families.
This is your litter announcement pup date for our Starbucks Coffee litter of multigenerational Australian Labradoodles. This past Saturday July 15, 2023 our girl Coco delivered her gorgeous litter of puppies. Coco was quite surprised when her first puppy was born and started to cry, however her natural instincts quickly kicked in and she proceeded to attend to each puppies needs with passion. Coco delivered 6 healthy puppies.
When considering the genetic components from both sire and dam we do our best with our estimations, especially when they are more unique combinations. Such was the case with this litter. I am proud to say we were spot on with this litter, such a stunning and unique variety in coat colour and patterns. While we do have the litter posted as large-miniature to medium after meeting these little ones I would say they will most like mature to large-miniature in size.
Moving forward you will receive mainly bi-weekly Pup Dates that will include pictures, information and as they mature videos, on all things Fur Baby. If you are following our Facebook and Instagram pages you will have the added viewing pleasure of random litter picture posts, between your regularly scheduled Pup Dates!
Here is a link to our website page outlining what you can expect in the coming weeks.
Puppy Pick-Up Process And What To Expect In The Coming Weeks (chilliwacklabradoodles.com)
In your last Pup Date we provided information on How To Get Your House Set-up. This week we are happy to present you with your Litter Announcement. Two of the MOST important things you can do for your puppy and family, as well a list of "Our Favourite Supplies."
Litter Announcement!
This beautiful litter consists of six puppies, four female and two male. Two puppies are a rich dark shade of chocolate, one of the puppies is a beautiful chocolate sable puppy, another a sleek black sable it will be interesting to watch as the shades of his coat continue to highlight and lighten, two of the puppies are either caramel or red. As the weeks move forward we will see the colour of their leathers come in. Their leather colour is what determines whether they will be identified as a caramel or red puppy. In the labradoodle language in order for a dog to be classified as a red dog they will have black leathers. Dogs with brown leathers will be known as Caramel dogs. To the naked eye you may see a red coat but it is the leathers that determine the language we use when describing them.
Puppy Socialization and Training
Puppy Socialization and Training. These are two of the MOST important things you can do for your puppy and family. Chilliwack Labradoodles highly recommends involving everyone in the family when it comes to Socialization and Training.
Training is a terrific way for you to teach, learn, and socialize your puppy all at the same time. Training and Socializing your puppy is a couple of the most important things you can do for your puppy, it is critical in the early months of a puppy's life. Your puppy will have had one vaccination and some immunity built up from momma. If you wait to start training and socializing until all their vaccinations are given you will miss the critical period for when your puppy needs socialization. Is there a risk of taking your puppy to training classes without having all vaccinations completed? Minimal but yes.
We had all three of our dogs at early puppy training and socializing classes right after their second set of vaccinations. (with a trainer that I vetted well and who understands the health and safety around puppies that have not been fully vaccinated.) Do not let your puppy go near or sniff other puppies' urine or feces.
If you have not yet found a positive reinforcement trainer to take your puppy to classes we highly recommend that you do as soon as possible and enroll in your first puppy training classes.
When looking for a trainer we would suggest you ask if they are Certified? Ask who certified them and how long did it take to become certified? If a trainer is not certified it does not necessarily mean they are not great at what they do, ask them how long they have been training? The two most common types of training are Lure: treat/praise and Clicker Training: behavior, click, and treat. We have trained using both methods, they equally work well. I personally prefer lure training I find for me it is a quicker method of training. One of the other adult members of our program excelled at Clicker Training, he struggles with processing and some verbal communication and found with clicker training he was easily able to focus on the positive action and mark it with a click. Intelligence and learning quickly are a couple of the strong traits of the Labradoodle therefore your puppy is able to excel at either training style. Ask the trainer if you could come to sit in on one of their training classes prior to bringing your puppy.
We completely discourage any kind of physical force-imposed training. Labradoodles are social and sensitive dogs, they respond well to and learn by watch and listening for your tone of voice, facial and body expressions. We mark our dog's behaviors with treats and praise both verbal and physical by cuddling, petting, and play. If we change our tone of voice or remove ourselves from the puppy/dog's view these actions work well at letting the puppy know the behavior they were doing is not an acceptable one. The greater the positively reinforced bond you have with your dog the quicker they will learn and repeat the good behaviors we are wanting from them. Your dog needs to trust you and feel confident in the mutual bond the two of you will build in order to learn the great long-term behaviors that you are seeking. Patience and consistency are what really work well for long-term learning and understanding of your fur baby.
What is Socialization?
Socialization is where we take our puppies and teach them not to be afraid of things. Also, known as desensitization. Socializing your puppy is desensitizing them to situations.
During weeks 3 through to week 16, your puppy is going through a critical imprint stage. Every experience is new to them and they are learning at a rapid pace. This is why it is so important to create positive experiences and expose them to as many things as possible. Anything your puppy has not experienced during this period may be something he is hesitant about in the future. if you have the consistent and trusting bond that he has come to rely on he will be calmer and able to work through this with you.
Puppies also come with a genetic temperament. Some may come bounding over and be very outgoing, while another quieter and less outgoing. At Chilliwack Labradoodles, we will do as many things as possible to introduce the puppies to new things and experiences. Once you take your puppy home it will be up to you to continue to socialize with him.
During the critical Socialization period, our puppies have not received all of their vaccinations! By the time you bring your puppy home, your puppy has started to build its immune system. They have had their first set of vaccinations and have some immunity built up from their momma.
The key is to socialize them in areas that other dogs do not frequent.
Avoid the Vet Clinic if possible! The vet clinic is full of sick animals and germs. Your first trip to see your veterinarian will be only a few days after bringing your puppy home. Take your puppy into the office in her crate, bring your own blanket or towel to place on the exam table. When the exam is complete put your puppy back into the crate or your arms. You can also call ahead and confirm that there have been no contagious dogs in the clinic that day. No Paws on the floor or outside the entrance of the veterinary clinic!
Also, avoid dog parks. All sorts of dogs frequent these areas and we do not know what they may be carrying or if they are even vaccinated. Dog parks are not always safe you know that you have trained your dog and care for her. You are never sure what to expect from all of the other dogs in the open area.
Avoid Pet Zones at public places and rest stops. If you are driving and need to stop for a potty break pull over to an area that is not popular, or stop at a fast-food location and choose a small patch of grass for potty time. Yes, other dogs may have been there but significantly less than at the alternative places. Parvovirus and Distemper are shed through dog feces. Do not let your dog sniff or go near other feces.
Great places to take your dog for socialization are Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, and The Pet Store (The Pet Store ONLY is safe only if you use the following advice!) Take your puppy in a front pack, bring a blanket or your puppy's bed and place it in the cart. No Paws on the ground or the buggy!
I would like to leave you a couple of links to FREE Podcasts that BAXTER and Bella have on their website. The two links I included below are directly related and offer great information regarding bringing your puppy home for the first time! When the kiddos and I are out in the car we listen to their podcasts together. Learning together and united in our training style has proven to be very rewarding!
Here is the link to the Our Favourite Supplies page of our website.
Pup Date Our Favourite Supplies | Chilliwack Labradoodles | Chilliwack
We look forward to providing you with more information in your next Pup Date that will come out when your our puppies are two weeks old. If you have any questions the best way to connect with us is via email chilliwacklabradoodle@gmail.com we are always happy to help.
Purple Caffe Mocha, girl is our first born at 10:06 am. She was born weighing 268 grams. Purple wears a Chocolate Sable Coat.
Blue Pumpkin Spice Latte boy, born at 10:10 am. He weighed 248 grams. Blue wears a Caramel or Red Coat with white flash.
Black French Vanilla girl, was born at 10:32 am and weighed in at 272 grams. Black wears a Caramel or Red Coat with white flash.
Orange Doggie'o' Espresso Macchiato boy, was born at 11:14 am, weighing in at 278 grams. He wears a sleek Dark Chocolate Coat.
Pink Chai Tea Latte girl, was born at 11:28 am and weighed in at 252 grams. Pink sleek dark chocolate coat similar to her older brother.
Red Black Coffee girl, was born at 12:23 pm and weighed in at 269 grams. Red wears a majestic black sable coat.

Good Afternoon Chilliwack Labradoodle Families.
In the last Pup Date, we gave you information about the importance of Socialization and Training, How To Get Your House Set-up, and Planning for your Puppy's arrival. As well we provided you with our website link to a list of "Our Favourite Supplies," and of course, your Litter Announcement!​ We packed a lot of information into that one Pup Date!
For today's Pup Date I will keep it light, by speaking to you a bit about why a dog's crate and bed are important.
Naptime is so important for puppies. Without quality sleep, just like ourselves your puppy cannot learn as well and will not perform up to its usual standards. Whether we are talking about their crate or bed you want them to feel safe and comfortable so that they receive the best quality sleep they can have. Puppies need time to decompress especially during the first 16 months of life as they are experiencing and learning everything for the first time, this can be very exhausting for these little fur babies. It is very important to give them time and a soft, safe, and secure place to sleep. A place no one will disrupt them. In order to achieve this choose a smaller crate, with a nice soft crate mat preferably with a ledge for them to rest their heads.
For the children in our families, this is the most exciting time and they love to be with their new best friend whenever they get a notion to. They love to rush up and cuddle with their puppy/dog, pick them up while they are sleeping, and quite often be with them every chance they can get. This is the deep bond we like to see our children have with our dogs. This is an opportunity to teach our children about understanding and the responsibility they have for their puppy's needs. While your puppy needs to know that their crate is a safe place and know nobody can get at them and they don't get out of on their own, our children need to understand this as well. Our children need to understand when the puppy/dog is in its crate they are not to be disturbed. Your puppy/dog will need a quiet place to have their alone time from the children. Once the puppy is well-rested he will return to his/her usual self, be refreshed, and ready to start the next adventure. A good equation to follow when you bring your puppy home is an hour out of the crate should equal the next hour in for nap time.
When choosing a crate pick one that is not too large. Dogs instinctively never sleep where they go to the bathroom. If your crate is too large he will have room to go to the bathroom in a corner. To start we suggest a plastic crate. This will give your puppy the secure feeling of being in a den. A good size plastic starter crate for your puppy would measure approximately 28"L X 20"W X 21"H As your puppy grows into a full-grown dog he will probably prefer a metal or wire crate. These crates are cooler, especially in the summer months. The measurements of our medium size Labradoodles wire crates are 35"L X 22"W X 24"H. Chilliwack Labradoodles will have already begun to introduce your dog with the crate, your dog will be familiar with her crate and see it as a safe place, "their den." Using a sheet to cover a crate is sometimes very helpful for a puppy that has a hard time settling down and shutting out distractions. Often puppies and dogs also like the idea that no one can see in, this can be comforting to them.
Guideline for how long a puppy can be in a crate for a single period of time?
It is said that the equation for this is one hour for each month the puppy is old. For the first three months, I would say that is a bit excessive. When you bring your puppy home I would suggest one-hour intervals in the crate would be more the norm. Except of course when your puppy is sleeping, if they fall asleep in the crate and are sleeping for hours that is perfectly ok let them sleep. If you have to run out every now and again once in a while, three-hour intervals would be perfectly fine for a three-month-old puppy. As discussed we want your puppies crate to be a place they want to be, whenever you put them in the crate get in a good habit of putting their favorite bone or a stuffed Kong into the crate. They will be content to be in their crate and able to exercise their brain as well as help with their teething.
We will have started an introduction to crate training with your puppy, so when your puppy comes home she can usually sleep in her crate for up to six hours during the evening. Now because your puppy will be transitioning to your home, all of his/her routines and familiar sights, sounds, smells not to mention Momma and Litter Mates are gone your puppy may regress a bit in all or any areas and you will need to work up to the six hours of sleep.
For the first two weeks of life, the puppies rely on their mothers for every basic need! Puppies cannot see, hear, regulate their heat, or even eliminate when they are born. Their nose is the one sense that they have to rely upon. As you may guess they can detect scent with their nose, their nose has another very important purpose, their nose can detect heat and it leads them right to their one and only heat source, their mother. They rely on their mother to stimulate them to potty, she provides them with all of their nutrition, keeps them warm, and attends to their every squeak or cry.
This second week of life for our puppies has been an accomplished one. While Momma still needs to help the puppies eliminate and cleans up after them they are starting to do some of this on their own. For the past week, the puppies have scooched around on their tummies working on building strength for the big day when they could stand on all fours. This week we have watched each of them begin to pull themselves up onto all fours and wobble about like Bambie. It is truly beautiful to watch.
This week their eye slits have started to open, in the upcoming days, they will completely open revealing a whole new world for them! Our Labradoodles are born with blue eyes, this will change over time turning to brown, or hazel/green. When the puppies' eyes open they can see outlines and shapes but they still cannot hear. Their ears start to open closer to three weeks old, it will often take longer than three weeks for this to occur.
​Lets take a look at how each of our Australian Labradoodles are doing this week.​​​
Purple Caffe Mocha, girl is our first born at 10:06 am. She was born weighing 268 grams today she wears a healthy 672 grams. Purple wears a Chocolate Sable Coat.

Blue Pumpkin Spice Latte boy, born at 10:10 am. He weighed 248 grams today he weighs a healthy 492 grams. Blue wears a Caramel or Red Coat with white flash.

Black French Vanilla girl, was born at 10:32 am and weighed in at 272 grams today she weighs 682 grams. Black wears a Red/Cream Coat with white flash. *She is considered to have a red coat because her leathers are coming in black*

Orange Doggie'o' Espresso Macchiato boy, was born at 11:14 am, weighing in at 278 grams today he weighs a healthy 642 grams. He wears a sleek Dark Chocolate Coat.

Pink Chai Tea Latte girl, was born at 11:28 am and weighed in at 252 grams today she weighs a healthy 642 grams. Pink sleek dark chocolate coat similar to her older brother.

Red Black Coffee girl, was born at 12:23 pm and weighed in at 269 grams today she weighs a healthy weight of 732 grams. Red wears a majestic black sable coat.

Good Afternoon Chilliwack Labradoodle Families.
​This is our four-week Pup Date on the puppies from our Starbucks Coffee Litter.
In the last Pup Date, we provided information about why a dogs' crate and bed are important. This week we hope to learn more about your lifestyle, hobbies, interests, and family make-up. This information will assist us in matching each puppy to their forever home. As well you will see this week we have information regarding exercise, puppy food, eating routine, and alone time for your puppy.
Puppy Food, Treats, and Bones
Feeding a complete raw diet to your dog is the best way to provide the nutrition required for its healthy growth and longevity. As I am sure you are aware there is a wealth of information out there regarding diet and what to feed your dog, unfortunately very little if any are actually based on Scientific Studies.
At Chilliwack Labradoodles, we feed all of our dogs at home a RAW food diet. We recognize and appreciate that RAW Food feeding is not for everyone and respect your choice in sticking with the higher value kibble Nutrience Sub Zero if that is what you choose to do.
If you are not ready to completely feed raw you may want to consider feeding a mixture of raw food and kibble. We believe maintaining a raw diet along with kibble will help ensure a balance of nutrition for our dogs.
Finally, whether you feed a RAW or a Kibble diet we highly recommend enhancing your dog's food with some of the following superfood options…..
-Tripe! Not only is it a superfood but dogs LOVE it!
Tripe is a natural probiotic that helps dogs digest and processes the micronutrients in their body, increasing the production of good bacteria and helps lower levels of yeast. This in turn will mean a happier healthier dog with less risk of ear infections and GI issues for now and the future. A dog's daily diet should include 10-15% tripe.
What I usually do is buy a bag of Carnivora Beef Green Tripe, take one pattie or brick put it into the fridge in a sealed container. (tripe has a strong odor) and add at least a large tablespoon to each of your dog's meals. Dogs can eat as much tripe as they like. Tripe is not considered a well-balanced whole meal, your dog should be eating either a RAW diet or Nutrience SubZero with the tripe.
You can purchase raw food with tripe already in it, or you can purchase treats such as trachea stuffed with tripe. Tripe is great for any dog with a low food drive, they usually cannot resist eating it!
If you want to learn more about tripe and the benefits it provides to dogs we have listed one link below.
-Yet another terrific food that you can add to any of your dog's meals, is a great source of calcium, and is a terrific natural probiotic is raw goat's milk or raw goat cheese. You can soak its kibble in the milk or give some in a bowl to lap up, with the cheese you can sprinkle an approx a tablespoon amount onto your dog's food or break pieces off for training treats. If you decide to do this I would alternate the goat products.
-A great source of calcium you can feed your dog would be raw Quail Eggs, add a couple every other day to one of their meals.
You can find them in most pet stores that sell Big Country Raw and even at Pet Smart! Feed the quail egg to your dog RAW! I try to encourage mine to eat the shell some will some won't, if they don't I just mix the egg into their meal and pick the shell out.
Labradoodles are notorious for a low food drive. When feeding your puppy or dog it is important to have variety in what they are eating, to both keep them interested in their food and to ensure they are receiving the well-rounded vitamins and nutrients needed to be at their healthiest. With that being said if your puppy/dog eats far less than what you had expected during a meal or for a couple of days. There is no need to worry this is completely normal. You will get to know your puppy, her preferences, and when she is holding back just to see if you have something better to offer! If your puppy does not finish their food simply put it into the refrigerator and bring it out at their next meal. Puppies and dogs will never starve themselves.
Raw Bones are very important for growing and developing puppies and dogs. There are not enough essential nutrients in any of the foods dogs eat that will satisfy all of the nutritional requirements needed for optimal skeletal development and sustainment. Bones make up a large portion of your dog's diet. 20% of your dog's meal should be bone.
Dogs can eat any kind of bone providing it is RAW! NEVER give your puppy or dog a cooked bone! Your puppy/dog will need raw bones with meat on. We give our dogs frozen bones they are great for teething puppies and provide psychological stimulation for both puppies and dogs alike. They will eat the entire bone and this is what you want. It is not so much about the meat on the bone as the bone itself.
Raw meat on bones can act as a meal replacement. If your dog is not interested in her raw food substitute it with the raw bone.
An example of a full meal consisting of mainly bone for the puppy you will be bringing home would be: x1 Chicken Wing Tip, x1 Mini Pork Rib Bone, and a little bit of Smack Dehydrated Raw.
Chicken’s bones are very pliable and easy for puppies to eat. If the bone you are offering your dog has more fat than meat this is ok if you are feeding it to them sparingly say once every other week. Whole fish especially wild salmon is a great way to incorporate both raw meat and bones into your dog’s diet. Some other great options for raw bone with meat on are turkey, chicken, lamb or duck necks, beef or buffalo knucklebones, duck frame or rabbit legs are just a few. If you feel your dog is not getting enough raw bone in her diet you may want to consider adding another source of calcium into their diet in the form of a calcium vitamin. You can purchase raw meat on bones at any quality pet food store or if you find a butcher or poultry farm in your area they will often be happy to provide you with various raw bone on products for reasonable pricing.
Now let’s move on to the “Meat of things!” When you pick up your puppy it will come home with its own personal folder. One of the items you will find is a list of Chilliwack Labradoodles recommended foods we have also provided it at the end of this pup date.
Each food company has balanced the appropriate percentage of organ/bone/vegetable and fruit needed to provide your dog with a complete meal. When feeding your dog any food whether it is kibble, raw, or dehydrated raw you need to follow the food guidelines on the package as to how much your puppy needs.
Typically a 30lb dog will eat 1 pound of raw food in just over one day.
How much raw meat should I feed my puppy? 5-8% of your puppy’s body weight is the amount of raw food your puppy will likely consume for the first six months. This a broad range as it varies between puppies. Like humans, some puppies have faster metabolisms than others. Some puppies are more active than others and it also depends on your lifestyle as well. We suggest starting your puppy off at 5% and work your way up to what your puppy is telling you what she wants. Again you really do need to get to know your dog, if you put her food down and she eats it all and is looking up at you for more. It’s safe to say she needs more, give her more. If she eats a bit and leaves the rest in her bowl, put it into the refrigerator and give the rest to her at the next meal. Now if she is eating more than 8% of her body weight this would be a bit excessive and you may want to cap her at that.
Again when feeding your puppy or dog raw it is important to feed a variety of meat proteins, rotating between red meats, lamb, pork and beef, white meats turkey, chicken, and fish. There are many other types of meat to choose from when it comes to variety, rabbit, venison, and bison are a few others.
There is one other raw food we would like to bring to your attention it is 3P Naturals Salmon and Yeast Buster Blend, it is green in colour and it comes frozen. The vegetable chosen for this particular meal will help prevent some of the yeast-driven irritations common to dogs. Such as ear infections, skin irritation, biting off their feet, and even dragging their bottom on the ground.
These issues are caused by a buildup of yeast in your dog. The yeast buster blend will help combat these issues. You can add the frozen yeast buster vegetable to any meal. If you add two tablespoons per day to your dog’s meal this will prevent or correct any of these issues. You can purchase them at any quality pet food store Tail Blazer’s is one of our favorite pet stores they are only located in Abbotsford and Chilliwack. You will find one in your area that you prefer over the others.
Smack is a Canadian-made raw dehydrated alternative that we regularly use for our dogs. The manufactures dehydrate the meat at such a low rate most of the nutrients remain in the food. Smack is highly concentrated and you only need a little bit for your dog or puppy. You will need to follow the directions on the bag carefully. We suggest adding it in some way to your puppy or dog's diet so they are used to it. Smack is a great alternative to a full raw diet while traveling or if you need to leave your puppy or dog with a sitter while you are away. You can use Smack as a training treat throughout your dog’s day! Smack is sold at some pet stores. We usually order it online.
The other Raw Dehydrated dog food we always have on hand is Zwiki Peak, the Lamb Tripe is a favorite of our dogs. This dog food is harder to find and is quite expensive but provides an amazing nutrient value to your dog’s diet. While they are a whole meal we often use them as treats for our dogs.
-What Has Your Puppy Been Eating While In Our Care
We like to offer choice to our pet families this is why all of our puppies are transitioned to a high-value kibble Nutrience SubZero. You can buy this kibble at any Pet Smart location and a few select independent pet stores.
While your puppy has been in our care we feed them Nutrience Sub Zero puppy kibble. It is the “Green Bag.” We mix the puppy kibble with pure canned pumpkin and feed!
Nutrience Sub Zero is a grain-free product that is made in Canada. It is the only Canadian-made kibble that has protein derived from sources that are digestible and extractable by dogs. Many dog foods have peas or lentils up at the top of their ingredient list as those are inexpensive sources of protein. This way the food manufacturer is able to claim a high protein percentage for their food without having to spend a lot of money to get the rating. Nutrience Sub-zero has meat as its primary source of protein making their percentage claims far more accurate than other foods. This means you feed less of the product making the food less expensive than others.
If at any point in your dogs life they experience loose stool or constipation we recommend using a canned pumpkin mixed into their meals. This is a terrific natural source of fiber. As a puppy, a teaspoon of pumpkin with their meal is what we recommend, as a grown dog a tablespoon is what they will need.
Our objective was to provide our puppy families with information around healthy diet options for all of our puppies! Take your feeding one step at a time; this will help you from becoming overwhelmed with all of the new information!
Approved Dehydrated Raw Foods
Smack Raw Dehydrated Dog Food
Ziwi Peak Raw Dehydrated Dog Food
Stella and Chewy’s
Approved Raw Food Diet
Pets for Life is a very well-rounded raw food that includes eggshells for adding extra calcium needed to your dog's diet. Our two top preferences are Big Country Raw and Naturawls.
Big Country Raw -Butcher Block
Pets for Life -Bramble Hills
IrRawsistible -3P Naturals
Artisan Raw -Carnivora
Approved Kibble
-Nutrience Sub Zero Dog Food (Kibble)
Suggested Daily Supplements
-Olie New Beginning Probiotic
https://olie-naturals.myshopify.com/products/new-beginnings-pet- 1l?_pos=1&_sid=5569509ad&_ss=r
-Dobias Soul Food(multi-vitamin) https://peterdobias.com/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs
Dobias Green Min (amino-rich green superfood https://peterdobias.com/products/greenmin-for-dogs
Approved Treats
Our favorite treat brands are Hero and Puppy Love treats and chews.
- Their Kibble -Stuffed Kongs
-Dehydrated liver treats or lung treats -Deer Antlers
-Various dehydrated meat treats -Raw bones/meat on
-Pieces of cheese -Raw Goat Cheese
-Small cooked cubed chicken -Goats Milk
-Bully Sticks -Cooked Chicken Egg
-Raw Quail Eggs
-Our favorite treats and bones to give our dogs are:
their kibble, dehydrated liver or lung treats, various dehydrated meat treats, pieces of cheese, small cubed cooked chicken (this can be messy when using for reward, the cooked chicken will break apart easily)bully sticks, deer antlers, and their Kong.
Feeding Routine
When your puppy comes home she will be eating three times per day, we suggest keeping this routine until she is at least six months old. After that time frame moving her feeding to twice a day would be appropriate if you find this works best for her eating style. Typically when your puppy comes home to you they will be on an 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 5:00 pm feeding routine so that your puppy has plenty of time to eliminate before bed. Fresh unlimited access to water throughout the day is extremely important to your dog, we suggest putting the water away about 1.5 hours prior to bedtime, in order to help with nighttime potty training.
The amount that you feed your puppy at each feeding can be determined by your puppy's weight. Please read the instructions on the bag for your puppy's daily feeding amount based on his weight. Divide the amount by three and that will be your puppy's portion of kibble at each meal. As your puppy grows you can increase the amount based on weight and divide his/her portions into two feedings.
For your puppies, it is important that you do not over-exercise them. Puppies do need a nice balance of both mental and physical stimulation. Puppies need to exercise to develop growing muscles, but we do not want to over-exercise them because their growth plates are still growing and we do not want to cause any trauma to their developing plates. We need to be mindful of our puppies' hips, all puppies are susceptible to hip dysplasia. At Chilliwack Labradoodles, we test all of our breeding dogs in order to avoid any hereditary factors of hip dysplasia. Hips are affected by genetics and the environment. We have not only covered the genetic component of Hip Dysplasia but we have also started being mindful of our puppies' environment by making sure the puppies have a good grip beneath them while nursing so they do not slip causing stress on the hip joints. Assuring their bedding is sturdy, nice but not too soft. When your puppy comes home to you one of the important things you can do to support your puppies' growth is to limit your puppies' use of stairs as much as possible. You will want to carry your puppy up and down the stairs for at least the first six months.
When you take your puppy out for a walk it is said that a reasonable timeline for your puppy to walk is 5 minutes for every month your puppy is old. Up until your puppy is about one year old. Once your puppy is one year old he will be ready to jog or run beside you but up until this age, walking is best for your puppy. If you have the opportunity to change the terrain that you are walking on, gravel, grass, residential streets, etc. do so as much as you can. Not only is it good for your puppies' physical growth but introducing them to all sorts of new experiences builds up their confidence and resilience as well. As well as walking, your dog can enjoy as much backyard play as it wants. There is no need to limit backyard play.
Alone Time For Your Puppy!
Labradoodles are smart and Labradoodles are very social. We need to set them up for success when leaving them home on their own. We have begun the transition here at Chilliwack Labradoodles by doing things such as the weaning process from their momma, transitions from their whelping area to their nursery, nursery to the sensory gym, and taking the puppies out and spending puppy to human, one-one time with them. The guide for time spent away from your puppy is one hour per month your puppy is old. I would not suggest leaving your puppy at three months old alone for three hours at a time often, only once in a while.
Before you leave your puppy you need to prepare his surroundings we suggest you set up your x-pen, inside the x-pen, you will want to leave your puppies crate, with a pee pad, freshwater, an exercise cube, or food puzzle, "Safe" toys and a Kong stuffed with a treat placed inside your puppies crate. If you like you can leave the TV or Music on for your puppy. You do want to leave your puppy alone on a regular basis for 1/2 hour to 1-hour intervals they need to learn how to be independent, they need to experience you being gone and know that you will return.
If you are working for the day or not able to be home you will need to make arrangements for your puppy. You can arrange Doggy Daycare, (once your puppy is fully vaccinated) someone can come into your home for periods of the day or you could have a dog walker. The person ideally could spend an hour in your dog's presence even if they are not interacting directly with your dog, the dog knows that they have a human with them and this is important to them. This is especially true of Labradoodles, they are very social dogs, they have been bred to be social, this is part of the reason for their popularity. It also means we need to accommodate this social need and understand that they are totally dependent on us and their strongest relationship is with their people.
This week was an adventurous one in our puppies' lives! The puppies have been moved from their whelping beds to a larger area with potty pads and a Sensory Gymnasium! Not only is this Gymnasium Fun but it helps the puppies become desensitized to different noises, textures, shapes, sizes, and colours. It helps them to learn how to navigate obstacles, gain confidence in our world, and become resilient.
The puppies were also introduced to solid foods this week, as part of a natural weaning process we slowly start to feed them a mixture of blended kibble, pumpkin, and puppy formula. The puppies have been happy with this transition, they smell the food as I bring it to their pen and are easily lapping up food from their pan. They are messy little pros at it now!
With their whelping bed gone we have introduced them to their crate. We want their crate to feel like our bedroom does for us. A cozy safe place to rest. At this point, their crate is left open for them to roam in and out of as they please. They are keeping their crate clean and learning to use puppy pads outside their crate to potty. This will help the transition to their new home with you if indeed you are using a crate and they will be familiar with potty pads.
Let's take a look at how each of our Australian Labradoodles is doing this week.
I will go through each puppy in the order of birth
Purple Caffe Mocha, girl is our first born at 10:06 am. She was born weighing 268 grams today she wears a healthy 1.26 kg. Purple wears a Chocolate Sable Coat.

Blue Pumpkin Spice Latte boy, born at 10:10 am. He weighed 248 grams today he weighs a healthy 1.02 kg. Blue wears a Caramel or Red Coat with white flash.

Black French Vanilla girl, was born at 10:32 am and weighed in at 272 grams today she weighs 1.29 kg . Black wears a Red/Cream Coat with white flash. *She is considered to have a red coat because her leathers are coming in black*

Orange Doggie'o' Espresso Macchiato boy, was born at 11:14 am, weighing in at 278 grams today he weighs a healthy 1.29 kg. He wears a sleek Dark Chocolate Coat.

Pink Chai Tea Latte girl, was born at 11:28 am and weighed in at 252 grams today she weighs a healthy 1.29 kg. Pink sleek dark chocolate coat similar to her older brother.

Red Black Coffee girl, was born at 12:23 pm and weighed in at 269 grams today she weighs a healthy weight of 1.5 kg. Red wears a majestic black sable coat.

Good Evening Chilliwack Labradoodle Families. This is our six-week Pup Date for the puppies from our Starbucks Coffee litter.
In the last Pup Date, we provided information around Exercise, Puppy Food/Eating Routine, and Alone Time For Your Puppy. We enjoy reading over the returned Chilliwack Labradoodle Family Questionnaire and look forward to receiving those remaining.
In this week's Pup Date we would like to go over basic Grooming including Ear Care. As well if you haven't already done so we would like to encourage you to learn more about The BAXTER and Bella online dog training program. At Chilliwack Labradoodles, we believe two of the most important things you can provide for your puppy are training and socialization! These two things will help to ensure your puppy will perform the wanted behaviors we all strive for in our dogs as well as create positive, strong bonds between family members and fur-babies. To learn more simply click on the link I have provided to the BAXTER and Bella page of our website!
Last but certainly not least this week we will talk a bit about Potty Training!​
Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for "THE BIG REVEAL" Which puppy will be your forever fur baby!
Labradoodles need to be groomed typically every 4-6 weeks.
Depending on how short or long you prefer their coat and how much maintenance bushing you do between grooms.
For maintenance between grooms we suggest:
Either spend 10 minutes each day brushing your dog. Alternating between areas of your dog's body.
Or setting aside time once per week and giving your dog a full body brush.
Check with your groomer as to what services they will provide while your dog is with them. Typically a full groom entails bath, blow dry, hair, and nail clipping. Ask if they clean inside your dog's ears? Labradoodles have floppy ears and they tend to be quite hairy inside. We never pluck their inner ear hair as the hair is there for a reason; it is to help wick moisture away. Also plucking their ears opens up the pore making it more susceptible to infection. Trimming of the inner ear is acceptable, never plucking.
The length and style you choose to keep your doodle are entirely up to you. We prefer our dogs to have about a two-inch hair length. We send all of our puppies home with their own personal folder, one of the items in your puppies folder will be a Labradoodle Grooming Card. You can bring this card to your groomer as an example of what an Australian Labradoodle Groom looks like. We suggest finding pictures of your favorite doodle groom and bringing them with you to your appointment.
Ear Care for Labradoodles
Floppy ear dogs such as the Australian Labradoodles can be susceptible to ear infections. Since their ears are floppy they can retain moisture which may cause infection. In order to prevent ear infections try to keep your dog's ears dry. ​
How will you know if your dog has an ear infection?
-Constant scratching at the ears or chin, especially if they are scratching on one side.
-While you are brushing your dog's ear if they cry, they likely have an ear infection.
-If you smell your dog's ear and it smells foul or yeasty, or if your dog's ear is hot to the touch chances are your dog has an ear infection.
If you suspect an ear infection you will want to take your dog to the vet.
A nice pink clean ear indicates a healthy one.
There are two routes to go to treat this infection the most common course will be for your vet to prescribe an antibiotic drop, usually Surolan. Dogs can become resistant to Surolan.
If our dog ends up with future ear infections another option we choose to use is a 100% natural product Zymox. It is also available from Amazon. We use this every day for one week. It breaks everything up incredibly well.
The best course of action to prevent ear infections is to ensure their ears are dry after grooming, bathing, and water sports. If you are taking your dog swimming and boating drying their ears will be something you want to stay on top of.
If you are interested here are the links to the ear products we use on our own dogs.
Alternate ear infection treatment we use: Zymox
Please note if you are a Chilliwack Labradoodles Guardian Home we require collaborative care for all of our puppies and dogs alike. Any decisions made with regard to treatment must be one we have discussed and agreed upon including ear care.
What is the best way to toilet train my puppy?
At Chilliwack Labradoodles, we find Crate training is a very successful way to train your puppy. Puppies do not like to eliminate in their beds.
Your puppy will need to sleep where you can hear it. If your puppy begins to whine in his crate or make noises immediately get up, leash your puppy while she is still in the crate, pick your puppy up out of the crate and pack it outside to your "potty place." (Try to avoid taking your puppy out of the crate while it is pawing at the crate, the second he/she is not pawing quickly open the crate and say "let's go potty." If you are continually retrieving your puppy exactly when they whine or paw crate they will get the message that, "ahhh, if I do this my owner will let me out." They will think you want them to do that behavior.) You will find having a consistent and familiar word that everyone in the household uses to key the puppy to potty is very important. For example, our word is "Go Potty." Your puppy/dog will want to sniff around that is ok for a bit. We do not walk around we stand still let the puppy roam as far as the leash allows, only in the area we have designated for potty. We say "go potty!" The second the puppy goes potty, in our happy voice, smiley face, we say good potty!! We reward her with a small liver treat or whatever treat you choose. Puppies recognize by your facial expressions and tone of voice if we are happy with what they are doing and will more likely continue that behavior. The treat reinforces to them that "ahh that is what "go potty," means! If your puppy continues to sniff around let her for a few more minutes just in case they have more business to do. Do not let them take too long as we want them to understand this is "potty time" not playtime. If this is indeed the middle of the night pack her back to the crate and tuck her in. Every time they potty give them a treat and be very excited and happy for them! Australian Labradoodles are very intelligent and this will speed potty training or any training up, it is a way of positively reinforcing the good behavior that you want from them.
Throughout the day use the same method as described above when having to take your puppy out to go potty. First thing in the morning will be her first potty break. Each time whether it is night or day and your puppy is coming out of her crate she will need to be taken potty. After each meal and each drink of water, your puppy will need to be taken potty. After your puppy has eaten a meal wait for about 10 minutes and you take it out for potty. If she doesn't eliminate, take your puppy in and put her in her crate. (Remember crate time is a positive time, have a bone or special toy for her in there.) Wait for 10-20 minutes, take the puppy out potty again. If your puppy eliminates this time praise and rewards her. If she does not eliminate bring her back into the crate, keep repeating until she eliminates. The more consistent you are with this in the early weeks will instill to the puppy that this is how potty time works and they will learn quickly what is expected of them. The more often your puppy potties in the house the harder it will be to break that behavior. Every puppy has learned behaviors whether they are wanted or unwanted behaviors that is why we need to consistently promote good behaviors for both the puppy and ourselves long-term relationship and success.
A tool that can train your puppy to let you know when he/she needs to potty is to place a bell on your door and each time you take him/her to potty ring it-eventually they will catch on and begin to ring the bell when they need to be let out.
You will get to know your puppy and will soon be increasing these times to longer periods. It will not take long for your puppy to know which door they need to wait to go potty. Or which area of the yard is their potty spot. Your consistency and patience in the short term will pay off for many years to come!
The puppies are loving their kibble mush and getting much better at eating more than they wear! This week we have been working with the puppies on socialization/desensitization. The puppies continue to play with their Sensory Gymnasium they enjoy it so much we have put a mini one into their nursery! Not only is this gymnasium fun but it helps the puppies become desensitized to different noises, textures, shapes, sizes, and colours. It helps them to learn how to navigate obstacles, gain confidence in our world, and become resilient. The puppies love their outdoor time and are constantly exploring and learning! We continue to spend one-to-one time with each puppy, exposing them to different surfaces, textures, and sounds. We are taking notes on their reactions to every new experience while they are with their Momma and Littermates or out on their own.
This week we have also increased their nursery size and taken most of the puppy pads out of their nursery leaving them with exposed flooring which is one more step in the potty training process. More often than not they will migrate over to where the puppy pads are to do their business, this is progress!
Let's take a look at how each of the Australian Labradoodles is doing this week.
As always I will go through each puppy in the order of birth.
Purple Caffe Mocha, will surely capture the heart of all she meets. Not only with her bold beauty, but her internal joyous confidence. She enjoys the company of her littermates and loves being showered with attention and affection from humans. With her sharp wit and attentive gaze, Purple will be easy to train and responds well to gentle guidance. We believe that Purple is a great match for Melody and Dave's family and will bring them unconditional love and joy in this new chapter of their lives.
Purple will be thrilled to accompany you on your RV travels and be a loyal fishing companion. She will love snuggling at your feet while you work on your quilting projects. However, please be cautious when allowing her to help in Dave's wood shop, as her enthusiasm may lead to unintended consequences. She may mistake your "Best In Show Creations" for the tastiest chew sticks she's ever had!
Swanson family Ms. Purple Caffe Mocha is ready to become part of your family forever.

Although we initially didn't plan on keeping a male candidate for our breeding program we could not overlook the exceptional breed standard qualities that of Mr. Blue Pumpkin Spice. We take our goal of providing future families with outstanding Australian Labradoodles seriously. Pumpkin Spice has impressive conformation, innate confidence, and a gentle approach to new situations. Our Starbucks Coffee Litter has been a remarkable success, and if they're any indication of what Blue can produce in the future, we couldn't be happier.
Cheryl and James,
I want to express my gratitude for your dedication and patience in transitioning from a pet family to a Guardian family. Your wait has certainly paid off, as our Blue Pumpkin Spice is a beautiful addition for any family.t We are excited to watch him grow and eventually contribute his wonderful genetics to our program. Thank you again for your trust and commitment.
Blue has the admirable quality of taking a moment to evaluate a situation before proceeding , while also possessing a strong sense of confidence that allows him to move forward at his own pace. He is a friendly and considerate guy who maintains eye contact and enjoys interacting with others. He is comfortable with car rides, walking, and office settings, making him an easy companion to welcome into your home office.
I am pleased to hear that you have enrolled in the Bella and Baxter program. I always recommend attending at least one set of puppy training classes as it can help establish a trusting bond while also providing an opportunity for socialization.
Congratulations to the Kelemen family! We are excited to have you join our Chilliwack Labradoodle family.

Black French Vanilla, this little girl certainly is the queen bee of our Starbucks Coffee litter. Her striking appearance, confident personality, and social interactions make her the center of attention. She is eager to learn, happy to please her humans, and loves positive reinforcement in the form of treats or affection. Harrison family Ms. French will be happy to take her rightful place as your most devoted fur family member as she has been chosen to join you forever.
This girl is ready to explore your cottage on Pender Island and will be delighted to take the lead on family hikes or warm your feet on a cold evening. Once she has built trust, she will be a faithful and loyal companion who will give and receive unconditional love.
It's great to hear that you have enrolled and have access to the helpful resources of Bella and Baxter. I recommend registering for an in-person positive reinforcement puppy training program to establish a strong foundation of trust and understanding from the beginning of your relationship.
Congratulations, Pamela, Anthony, and Bronwyn! May each day with your new fur family member bring you love and laughter.

Orange Doggie 'O' Espresso Macchiato boy is a friendly and playful pup who loves spending time with his humans. He warms up quickly to new people and environments and has shown an interest in playing ball. Once he's comfortable with you, he'll roll over for a belly rub.
This little guy is always one of the first to greet us when we enter a room. He is inviting and friendly to both humans and other animals. With his eager-to-please attitude and attuned drive, Orange would be an excellent fit for The Loeppky family. Get ready to fall in love!
I'm happy to hear that you've considered puppy training with Ocean Park. This will help establish desired behaviors right from the start.
Marco, if you're looking for a swimming partner, I suggest taking Orange to the lake to test his paws in the water. If he is introduced gradually and positively, he may become a perfect swim companion by next summer. As Orange grows older, he'll likely learn the expectation of office behavior and happily accompany Bruce to work.
This pup has a nice energy level and knows when to calm down and settle. He'll be a loyal companion whether you're hiking, running errands, or gaming at home.
Congratulations to the Loeppky family on their new furry addition!

Pink Chai Tea has an impressive personality. She might initially observe a situation but is enthusiastic and confident enough to try new things and enjoy the experience. Pink has a playful energy that is balanced with her natural attunement, a trait we see in our Australian Labradoodles that helps them gauge emotions and learn when to calm down. She is attentive to both her surroundings and her people, a clever and thoughtful girl who is up for any adventure. Pink is fond of younger children and enjoys seeking affection from anyone who will give it.
The Nelson family should be ready as Ms. Pink is sure to win their hearts and quite likely your bed too!
Pink Chai Tea has the resilience needed to adapt to new situations easily. I am confident that she will thrive in training sessions and make you feel like a pro! Australian Labradoodles love outdoor activities in all seasons, and watching them run and frolic in the snow is an amazing sight to behold. When Pink matures, she will be the first to let you know she is ready for a long, fast-paced walk, and I am sure she will motivate you to push on just a little further!
Congratulations to Terri and Jeff! Your days are about to be filled with new adventures and boundless companionship.

With no further ado we are excited to introduce Brandi and Glenn to their newest family member Ms. Black Coffee!
Red is engaged and attuned to her people, with a strong desire to communicate. She often tilts and poises her head as though she is really trying to understand, providing great eye contact and giving pause to listen when you speak. These attributes lend themselves to an easier training path. I am glad to hear that you have connected with your dog trainer and are working through a good transition plan for Ms. Red.
Throughout our conversations, we have discussed your desire to bring a well-matched dog into your family. We carefully considered the best temperament match for your existing dog, Tucker, while also taking into account your overall preferences for your new puppy. You wanted to wait to ensure that you found just the right fit for Tucker, while also maintaining the cuddly, clever, easy-to-train, and calm nature that you love in Labradoodles.
Your wait is over! Red Black Coffee has the strong inner confidence and unflappable balance that will help her manage situations and know when to walk away. She is the type of girl who will be able to build trust with Tucker, and over time he will see her as a steadfast playmate rather than a threat.
She will make a great travel companion, enjoy daily walks, a romp in the backyard with Tucker, or being your sidekick on days you decide to take her out with you in the car. She is a young pup with an old soul and will be happy to wait for her belly rubs and BIG snuggles!
Congratulations to the Alexander/Sheffer family! May you experience a deep connection and playful fun every day with Black Coffee.

If your family has already chosen the name for your newest member please email it to us and we will be able to start calling them by name!
Of course, if you have any questions you can email us at
Chilliwacklabradoodle.com and we will be happy to answer them for you.
We hope you enjoy your six-week Pup Date Video!

Starbucks Coffee Litter
Good Evening Chilliwack Labradoodle Families!
This is our seven-week Pup Date on the puppies from our Starbucks Coffee Litter.​
In the last Pup Date, we provided you information regarding basic Grooming including Ear Care, Potty Training and of course the Big Reveal!
This week we will provide you with information around Veterinarian, Vaccination, and Deworming. We will brainstorm creative and effective ways in which you can socialize and desensitize your puppies during the isolating time of COVID-19, a link on How to Groom Your Australian Labradoodle. Finally, we will provide you with information and suggestions around "Bringing Your Puppy Home."
If you have not already done so you should be inquiring after a Veterinarian for your new puppy.
During the Coronavirus epidemic, most veterinarians are only open for urgent care. However, you can still do your research and find a veterinarian. When looking for the right veterinarian for you we suggest that you phone a few clinics in your area and start off by speaking with the front staff. Speak to your family and friends to gain information from them as to whom they could recommend as a veterinarian.
Information that may be important to you will likely be...
-What are their hours? Are their hours convenient for what you are needing?
-Does their office have a 24-hour vet on call? or will you need to seek after-hours Veterinary services elsewhere? It is great if your vet does their own after-hours emergency services even if they rotate their after-hours shifts with other Veterinarians in the same office. This way they will have access to all of your puppy's history, they will likely be able to answer some of your questions on the phone which could save you a late-night trip to the vet.
-Is the veterinarian familiar with Australian Labradoodles?
If you decide this could be a potential Veterinarian for you ask if you can schedule an appointment for an interview with the Veterinarian. There will likely be the cost of consultation involved but it is important to make sure your new Veterinarian aligns with your beliefs in puppy health care. It is important to have a good relationship with your Veterinarian and that together you can decide on the best treatment options for your puppy/dog.
Your puppy will have had his/her first vaccination and deworming before they come home to you. The next vaccination and deworming should be arranged for at least 4weeks after the first one, the third four weeks after the second vaccination, and deworming. Your veterinarian will advise you on this. When your puppy is 20 weeks old we suggest that you ask your Vet to do TiterTesting, which is a way they can determine if your puppy has sufficient immunity built up and therefore no longer needs vaccinations. We would also suggest having a follow-up TiterTesting done once they are three years old. Most often they will not need any follow-up booster vaccinations.
Creative Socialization and Desensitization
Most of what we are going to share with you are things we have already been practicing with your puppies and have always been a part of our program. COVID-19 is a Pandemic that we are unfamiliar with within our human society, as breeder's life-threatening illnesses for our puppies and parents are a very real part of our everyday existence. Our puppies and mommas haven't completed their puppy shot series and are at higher risk for contracting illnesses such as parvo, long before The Coronavirus surfaced. As part of the Chilliwack Labradoodles program, we have always taken safety precautions while still implementing some of the following ideas to help ensure your puppies come home desensitized and socialized to as many different things as possible.
During the Coronavirus pandemic, you can take advantage of extra time at home and help your puppy grow into a well-adjusted and well-trained adult. Social distancing with your dog might actually mean better-behaved dogs when life gets back to normal. During this time in our lives, we are unable to attend puppy classes however there are other things to focus on besides dog-dog interactions. Socialization includes common experiences that your dog will have throughout their life and desensitizing them in a positive way to as many things as possible. We are able to do most of these things in the comfort of our own homes. Working on these things at home means fewer distractions, which will allow your puppy to focus and learn much more efficiently. During this pandemic, we can adhere to safety precautions and still take our puppies and dogs out to socialize. Just do it from a minimum of a six-foot distance.
-Tactile experiences for your puppy
If your puppy cannot visit the groomer, bring the groomer to your puppy! Introduce your puppy to the bathtub, simply letting him walk in an empty tub. Brush your puppy, clean her eyes, and clip her nails. Frequently touch, rub, and hold your puppy's feet, paws, ears, and chin. Introduce him to as many ground surfaces as possible, grass, mud, gravel, wobble boards, manholes, and uneven forest floors. Fill their X-pen or play area with new items daily, cookie sheets for them to walk over, large balls, or obstacles they have to squeeze or climb over or an empty water bottle (with the label removed) filled with different items such as rocks, sand or rice.
-Play different sounds in the background
Create a playlist, full of noises your puppy may experience in her lifetime. Sirens, household noises, animal or nature sounds are just a few. While you blow-dry your hair, do the dishes, sweep and vacuum be sure your puppy is in earshot.
-Introduce different scents to your puppy
Scatter kibble in the grass and have your puppy "Go Find It!"
If you have other animals in your home use a cloth to capture their scent and let your puppy smell the cloth.
Hide your puppy's favorite bone and have her seek it out.
-Go for a Drive
This will help desensitize your puppy using many of his senses.
Drive to your local hospital (keep enough distance) roll your window down let your puppy hear the sirens, people walking outside, doors opening and shutting. Her nose will be sniffing everything around her.
Park in a grocery parking lot, a factory, close to a train track anywhere your puppy can see people walking, the noises, sights, and sounds of each environment are a great way to socialize your puppy.
-Play Dress Up!
Dressing up in different hats, wigs, and costumes is another way to bring “new” people into your puppies’ lives without bringing strangers into your home. Dress-up can be important especially when we are isolated. Puppies and dogs startle when they see hats, beards, or brightly colored clothes if they have never seen them before! Pull out your Halloween costumes or your rain gear, get your whole family involved and have fun playing dress-up.
-Socialize From a Distance
Take your puppy on a safe walk let him see the people on the other side of the road, reward him for not barking. (have a keyword you use to identify "not barking.")
Chat with your neighbors from a distance with your dog at your side.
Find an isolated area, follow safety precautions, and let your puppy explore nature.
-Provide Lots of Puppy Brain Games
Use your Kong
Snuffle Mats are great!
Practice having your puppy come when called.
Set up a simple obstacle course for your puppy and teach them to walk, jump, or sit on mats as they move through the obstacle. Kids are creative and usually love to participate in these activities.
Interactive Toys
Food Puzzle Toys
While you are Socializing/Desensitizing your puppy the most important thing to remember is to ensure every experience for your puppy ends up being a positive one. Puppies may be fearful, and forcing them to accept petting, closely approaching people, or objects can overwhelm them and worsen their fear even more. Monitor and manage your puppies' response to situations.
Labradoodles are social and sensitive dogs, they respond well to and learn by watch and listening for your tone of voice, facial and body expressions. Mark your dog's behaviors with treats and praise both verbal and physical by cuddling, petting, and play. If we change our tone of voice or remove ourselves from our puppy/dog's view these actions work well at letting the puppy know the behavior they were doing is not an acceptable one. The greater the positively reinforced bond you have with your dog the quicker they will learn and repeat the good behaviors we are wanting from them. Your dog needs to trust you and feel confident in the mutual bond the two of you will build in order to learn the great long-term behaviors that you are seeking. Patience and consistency are what really works well for long-term learning and understanding of your fur baby.
How to Groom Your Australian Labradoodle!
Your puppy will come home with its own personal folder containing important documents, in an upcoming Pup Date we will send out a video reviewing everything that is included in your puppy's personal folder. For the sake of today's topic, one of the items you will find in the folder is a Grooming Card.
It will be months from the time you bring your puppy home to the time they actually will require a full groom. Regular brushing, nail, and eye trims will need to happen more regularly. We have provided you with a "How To Groom Your Australian Labradoodle," link below. For those of you daring enough to want to try! For the rest of us here's hoping our regular Groomer is open very soon!
Preparing for Puppy Pick-Up Day!
With the email to this Pup Date, we confirmed your pick-up date and provided you the location, and time your family is scheduled to pick up your puppy. Some of the items we suggest you pack in your vehicle for pick-up day are:
-Collar and Leash -Blanket
-Pee Pad -Small squeaky chew toy
-Crate with crate mat -Treat pouch
-Bully Stick and Kong in the crate -with poopy bags
-A bottle of water and water bowl -and treats (even just kibble)
On pick-up day leaving the harness at home would probably be best. There will be enough changes for your puppy and fussing with a harness for this initial experience will not be the most positive.
We suggest that you leave your crate in the car when you arrive and prepare to pack your puppy out with you when you leave. If an adult or older calm person can hold the puppy for the ride home we suggest capitalizing on this by creating your puppy's first positive bonding experience with you. This time in the car is an important first with your puppy he will be using his sense of smell, sight, and hearing to associate himself with his new "Pack." So you will want the car ride to be a calm, quiet, nurturing, and smooth ride. You want to convey to your puppy right from the beginning that you are a safe person, that he can feel secure, and that he can trust you will take good care of him.
When you arrive at home pack your puppy to where you have decided to have her go pee. Let her have a potty break. Bring her in and let her explore your puppy areas. After twenty minutes or so then take her back out to pee. If she drinks water in between you may want to take her pee sooner.
Over the hours and days to come, remember everything your puppy is experiencing is new! They are in a new home, their routines have changed, every person in the house is different, the house does not have a familiar smell, not to mention they have just left their momma and all of their littermates this may translate into a diminished appetite or a change in stool. If your puppy starts having loose stool or appears constipated we recommend you add a tablespoon of canned pumpkin to their meals this will quickly correct the problem. Pumpkin is a great natural high fiber source that we use for our puppies and dogs as well.
Labradoodles tend to have a low food drive. They enjoy food but it is not their focus so if your puppy seems disinterested in her food in the upcoming days, no need to worry. They can skip a meal and they will be just fine. If your puppy is not eating sitting down beside your puppy and trying to get her to eat some kibble from your hand may very well help encourage her to eat. After she has eaten a bit from you stand up and let her try on her own again, she likely will start picking at it on her own.
At this time I would like to leave you a couple of links to BAXTER and Bella's FREE Podcasts, you can find these and many other free informative podcasts on their website. The two links I am providing you are directly related and provide great information regarding bringing your puppy home for the first time! You can listen to the Podcasts in the car and provides great information for the kiddos.
I can hardly believe in days the puppies will get to meet their forever families!
We love the playful inner confidence of this litter, they are curious while still having sensibility. Once you bring your puppy home it will continue to grow and develop its little personality. Puppies mirror their environment and will adapt to your lifestyle and home which is why it will be important to have conversations as a family about bringing forward a calm consistent environment to help nurture a calm mannerism in your puppy.
​I will go through each puppy in the order of birth.
Purple Caffe Mocha, wears a Chocolate Sable Coat.

Blue Pumpkin Spice Latte boy, has been given his call name of Roman. We at Chilliwack Labradoodles are still debating about his registered name. Roman wears a caramel coat with white flash.

Black French Vanilla girl, wears a cream coat with white flash.

Pink Chai Tea Latte girl, wears sleek dark chocolate coat similar to her older brother.

Red Black Coffee girl, has been given the name Tessa by her new family! Tessa wears wears a majestic black sable coat.

We hope you enjoy your seven week pup date Video! If your family has already chosen the name for your newest member please email it to us and we will be able to start calling him/her by their new name!
Of course, if you have any questions you can email us at
Chilliwacklabradoodle.com and we will be happy to answer them for you.